Exploring The World Of Blur

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


So time flies when you're having...no...wait a minute...that's not right.

So with another surgery just over a week away I will drop a few thoughts to keep this trickle running.

I'm thinking of taking on a helper. There are a million things to be done and if I just had someone to sort things it would be a tremendous help. So I'm thinking of calling someone up and seeing what we might work out.

After finally sorting the data after the OS crash and making backups I am finally getting back to writing material and getting things ready for both Blurred Vision and the 2 blogs. I have a ton of video to post at the Tumblr site and have almost got a Lacuna article/resource page ready to post. Now if I could just get around to printing out the OpenD6 material and studying that I think I might write a set of guidelines for using it with Blur. Remember, from Normality to whatever system you are most comfortable running they will all work with Blur. That's the whole idea. No need to learn 500 pages of new rules. The story is the thing and the adventure of creating that story the fun of it all for GM and player alike.

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