Exploring The World Of Blur

Friday, April 9, 2010

I DON'T KNOW The Role-Playing Game

This Role-Playing Game (RPG) is designed to be a very simple system ideally suited to a single-evening adventure. It was written to provide an RPG where an adventure can be designed and run with little preparation from the Game Master (GM), and where character creation can be finished within a few minutes by experienced players. New characters can be introduced and removed with ease, so a steady gaming group is not necessary. Indeed, GMs are encouraged to take turns running the game so that no one GM burns out on it.

Why the I DON'T KNOW system? I wrote this game hoping to eliminate some of the evenings where no one could settle on a game to play.

"What do you want to play tonight?" "I don't know."

And so it begins. Read more at:


Lacuna: Part 1-The Creation Of The Mystery And The Girl From Blue City

Although not a freebie this indie is full up with great ideas (seemingly a mix between Harsh Realm and Cold War era Soviet trappings) it merits a look for someone looking for something to help work their way up to Normality (Which I still consider to be the best example of Blur ever).

Below I have tried to bring some sense of the game play to your attention in case you wonder if this is worth a buy or not.


Apologies for the brevity in the opening. The large glowing piece I had written to open this entry was destroyed during the OS crash. I'm not just tossing this off, it is a far more interesting game than I have had time to write about again. And just maybe it can inspire your own Blur campaign.

I will write more on this latter if given a chance.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So sometimes things take longer than you think.

Recovery is still underway but much improved from surgery. And finally a solution has presented itself to another problem, so that has been taking up a lot of time.

This blog has suffered and I'm still trying to contact a possible helper. But everything chugs along. At least I've been able to post a few worthy videos that walk that fine line.

I have enough material to do 500 posts. It just has to be typed and posted. It will be. If only the power of thought could accomplish this. God, the blog would be a constantly scrolling fountain of information.

Now I shall return to the churning sea of material and paddle toward the shore of organization. With any luck I will have a hold full of goodness when I make land.

Keep the faith. The key is forthcoming...