Exploring The World Of Blur

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I want to whine...no, really, and badly

I have thought of resurrecting an old website I used to run called 'Things I Be Mad Hatin'.

After the near complete meltdown and a mediocre at best recovery of my Acer/Vista desktop a few weeks back, last night, while casually trying to take a break, I was hit by a little piece of virii trash with many names but only one result-total loss of the c drive and its contents. Mind you I had 4 layers of defense to prevent such a thing from happening which it blew straight through without even a warning pop up .

Luckily I had backed up the material for the most part but it was nice to know that my most hated nemesis, MS Vista, and Win7 are the only OS it attacks.

I would like to shake the guys hand who wrote the thing. I have beat some insidious little bastards but this thing was a work of art. I mean, taking over Windows Defender and shutting off all your other protection in a blink of an eye (I thought it was a pop under it went so fast) and not even being able to access safe mode or pull up a restore point...now that's talent.

Another day in the land of Blur...god I could use a cup of coffee and fresh pastry.

So, the good news is it just took up a lot of time. I moved all of Blur to the laptop weeks ago and the work is coming along nicely.

Hope to post a few new bits today...just as soon as I get that coffee :)

(Several hours after above was typed) And then one of my cats is sick...I'm going to start screaming now...you might want to cover your ears...

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